Patient Access & Fair Reimbursement

We are dedicated to supporting our customers and the patients they serve in the most appropriate site of care. Our advocacy is focused on policies that help healthcare providers obtain recognition for the services they provide, receive fair reimbursement for their services, and maintain access to patients in the most appropriate site of care.

We are committed to preserving access to community-based pharmacy and healthcare providers and ensuring their ability to compete in a free and fair marketplace. Our advocacy efforts leverage our reach and partnerships with the provider and patient community to represent their interests with appropriate legislative and regulatory bodies.

We support efforts to eliminate retroactive Direct and Indirect Remuneration fees (DIR) placed on pharmacy and dispensing provider customers and oppose efforts to cut Medicare Part B reimbursement, both of which are causing significant financial strain to community pharmacy and provider customers. We also oppose efforts to eliminate the current Part B buy and bill model, including payer-mandated white bagging policies and Competitive Acquisition Program (CAP) models.

Our role is to understand the impact of policies effecting access and reimbursement, ensure providers and administrators have the proper education and understanding of those impacts to their practices and ensure the collective voice of community care is represented and heard by lawmakers.